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It’s time to fix housing for young people video
We have released our first Home Time campaign video, which you can watch above. Thanks to Imogen and Atlas for advocating so powerfully.
UNSW research on 'youth housing penalty' launched
Last Tuesday, we launched exciting new research from the University of New South Wales City Futures Research Centre. The research investigates the financial barriers currently preventing children and young people from accessing community housing.
Home Time supporters meet with ministers and MPs in last sitting week of Parliament
Last week, three young advocates with lived experience of homelessness led a delegation of Home Time supporter organisations to meet with ministers, MPs and advisers, including the Minister for Housing and Homelessness The Hon Clare O'Neil MP.
#MeAt16 Social Media Day of Action
On Thursday 19 September, we launched our first social media day of action around #MeAt16. We asked supporters to post a message on their social media reflecting on the universal importance of safety and home for young people during these critical years of life.
2024 Homelessness Week
Home Time supporters were involved in a number of incredible events and opportunities throughout Homelessness Week 2024. We have been thrilled to see some remarkable work and research coming out during Homelessness Week and beyond.
Building LEGO brick homes to show extent of child homelessness in South Australia
Home Time had a big presence at the recent National Homelessness Conference, with a busy booth and great media coverage around youth homelessness and housing issues.
Welcome Minister O'Neil and thanks to outgoing Minister Collins
Home Time would also like to officially welcome Australia's new Minister for Housing and Homelessness, the Hon Clare O'Neil who has stepped into the role following the Albanese Government reshuffle over the weekend.
National poll finds 9 in 10 Australians support action on housing for young people
On Friday, we released the results of our first national poll, which examined community attitudes towards child homelessness and the level of community support for stronger government action on youth housing.
Homelessness organisations call for more help for youth in crisis
Australia’s housing and domestic violence crises have left 10,000 teenagers alone and homeless across the country, sparking calls for dedicated youth tenancies and long-term supports.
Coordinated national action on housing for young people
Home Time supporters organisations wrote to federal, state and territory housing ministers ahead of the Housing and Homelessness Ministerial Council meeting in May 2024.
ALP Victorian State Conference endorses action to fix housing for young people
On Sunday 19 May, the ALP's Victorian State Conference endorsed the following motion in support of Home Time's policy goals and strong action to end child and youth homelessness.
Win for children and young people in pre-budget announcement
Late on Friday night we received a call from the Federal Minister for Homelessness and Housing's office to let us know that a major policy announcement was imminent.
Media: Federal budget targets housing crisis amid backlash
The Albanese government will pour $11.3 billion into housing initiatives after securing the backing of premiers and chief ministers at Friday’s national cabinet meeting.
Letters from young people to politicians
Home Time delivered letters and postcards written by children and young people in refuge accommodation to Minister Collins and federal MPs.