National poll finds 9 in 10 Australians support action on housing for young people

On Friday, we released the results of our first national poll, which examined community attitudes towards child homelessness and the level of community support for stronger government action on youth housing.

The results revealed that there is untapped community support for new investment and reform in this area, with very low levels of opposition and indifference among voters.

The nationally representative YouGov poll found overwhelming concern for the number of children (15-17 year-olds) with nowhere to live as well as strong community support for government action.

This support was consistent across demographic factors such as state, metro/regional location, age, household income and party affiliation. 

Key findings included:

  • Over nine in ten (91%) of Australians were concerned at the high number of unaccompanied children experiencing homelessness each year.

  • Over half (51%) were ‘extremely concerned', with only 9% ‘slightly concerned’ or ‘not at all concerned.’

  • Total support for making housing for unaccompanied children experiencing homelessness a national priority was also 91% - matching community concern with an appetite for action.

  • Six in ten (62%) ‘strongly supported’ the Federal Government making housing for children experiencing homelessness a national priority, with only 5% opposing a focus on child homelessness

You can read the full media release here.

Media pick-ups included ABC Local Radio, Triple J and commercial radio news bulletins. Let us know if you are interested in more information on these results.


Welcome Minister O'Neil and thanks to outgoing Minister Collins


Homelessness organisations call for more help for youth in crisis